Going one step further, the recent Fashion Tech in Tel Aviv aimed at bringing together the worlds of fashion and technology to see how the two can work together. With the Internet revolutionising the way we shop, customers are increasingly avoiding dressing rooms, opting instead for the comfort of online shopping that usually offers liberal…
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Suspendisse nisl nisl, laoreet a urna ut, rhoncus vestibulum est. Integer eget quam dui. Sed feugiat sollicitudin massa, viverra tempor nulla euismod sit amet. Ut congue faucibus odio, sed venenatis magna. Curabitur ut eros ac lacus rutrum auctor quis et turpis. Vivamus pharetra viverra nisi, nec viverra tortor hendrerit ac. Morbi mollis tortor et mi bibendum,…
Read moreAwesome fashion promo video
Suspendisse nisl nisl, laoreet a urna ut, rhoncus vestibulum est. Integer eget quam dui. Sed feugiat sollicitudin massa, viverra tempor nulla euismod sit amet. Ut congue faucibus odio, sed venenatis magna. Curabitur ut eros ac lacus rutrum auctor quis et turpis. Vivamus pharetra viverra nisi, nec viverra tortor hendrerit ac. Morbi mollis tortor et mi bibendum,…
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